June 2007

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Meeting Announcement


Tentative Agenda

Hardware Update
Craig and Gordon over at GumStix are hard at work on the GSMStix. At the recent Maker Faire, we demonstrated a prototype GSMStix making outgoing calls and receiving SMS messages.
Software Update
Matt is launching a google code project to store our collective software wisdom. He will be talking about the project, how to participate, and an overview of the hbmobile software architecture.
Interface Update
The last couple meetings we've seen the Jowles remote interface. With a little luck, this time we'll see the "on device" interface and the remote interface operating on a prototype GSMStix. If not, Matt's rigged up a couple of desktop Linux hacks to turn a linux laptop with a SparkFun USB / Telit Module peripheral into a very large mobile phone.
The Homebrew Mobile Phone Club at the Maker Faire
Several of us participated in the Maker Faire in May. We'll have a brief recap of the event.
Insert your item here
If you have something to put on the agenda, send me an email at: msh [at] hbmobile [dot] org. Or heck... this is a wiki, insert it yourself.