HOWTO Setup GumStix Buildroot on an existing (X)Ubuntu System
The Easy Route
If you want to get things going as fast as possible, the best way to do this is to use the
script from the downloads section of the web site. You can always find the latest version of the script for (X)Ubuntu systems at:
Note that the current version of (X)Ubuntu we support is 7.10, and the script in the XU_CURRENT directory has been tested with this Linux distro. Users of other Linux distros may have some success with it, but your mileage may definitely vary.
Check your /etc/apt/sources.list before running the script
As a test, I installed Xubuntu 7.10 on a very old laptop that did not have a built in WiFi chipset (remember the days before WiFi?) I'm happy to say the install went well, but it took me a few minutes to realize... if you install on a machine that does not have a working network adapter when you do the install, it will disable